MulensModel.causticsbinary module

class MulensModel.causticsbinary.CausticsBinary(q, s)

Bases: object

Class for the caustic structure corresponding to a given (q, s), i.e. mass ratio and separation. Implemented for 2-body lenses only.

Attributes :
q: float

mass ratio between the 2 bodies; always <= 1

s: float

separation between the 2 bodies (as a fraction of the Einstein ring)

plot(n_points=5000, **kwargs)

Plots the caustics using matplotlib.pyplot.scatter().

Parameters :
n_points: int, optional

The number of points to calculate along the caustic. Defaults to 5000.


keywords accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.scatter()

Note that default scaling of axis may not be equal on both axis. To mitigate this, use: plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') or plt.axis('equal') (the other possible options are 'scaled' or 'square').


Returns x and y vectors corresponding to the outlines of the caustics. Origin is center of mass and larger mass is on the left (for q < 1).

n_pointsint, optional

The number of points to calculate along the caustic.

x, ylist

Two lists of length n_points giving the x, y coordinates of the caustic points.

property critical_curve

Critical curve stored as CriticalCurve object, read-only

class CriticalCurve

Bases: object

Internal class of Caustics. Defines the critical curve (in the lens plane). Origin is center of mass with larger mass on the left (q < 1).

Attributes :
x, ylist

Two lists of length n_points giving the x, y coordinates of the caustic points.