MulensModel.limbdarkeningcoeffs module

class MulensModel.limbdarkeningcoeffs.LimbDarkeningCoeffs

Bases: object

Linear limb-darkening parameters. Both gamma and u conventions can be used. The u convention is more frequently used in studies other than microlensing. It has fixed flux at the center. An et al. 2002 (ApJ 572, 521) introduced the gamma convention:

gamma = (2 * u) / (3 - u)

u = 3 * gamma / (2 + gamma)

Note that the gamma convention has fixed total flux.

You can print an instance of this class.

set_limb_coeff_gamma(bandpass, gamma)

Remembers limb darkening gamma coefficient for given band.

Parameters :
bandpass: str

Name of the filter.

gamma: float

The value of gamma coefficient.


Gives limb darkening gamma coefficient for given band.

Parameters :
bandpass: str

Name of the filter.

Returns :
gamma: float

The value of gamma coefficient.

set_limb_coeff_u(bandpass, u)

Remembers limb darkening u coefficient for given band

Parameters :
bandpass: str

Name of the filter.

u: float

The value of u coefficient.


Gives limb darkening u coefficient for given band.

Parameters :
bandpass: str

Name of the filter.

Returns :
u: float

The value of u coefficient.


Get weighted limb darkening coefficient in gamma space.

Parameters :
weights: dict

A dictionary that for every band (keys; str type) gives its relative weight (value; float type), e.g., weights = {'I': 1.5, 'V': 1.} will return gamma coefficient in the case when I band contributes 1.5 more than V band. Note that for each band used you have to first set to coefficient.

Returns :
gamma: float

The value of weighted gamma.