MulensModel.pointlens module

class MulensModel.pointlens.PointLens(parameters=None)

Bases: object


The PointLens class has been replaced with separate classes for each magnification method.

class MulensModel.pointlens.PointSourcePointLensMagnification(trajectory)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens._PointLensMagnification

Equations for calculating point-source–point-lens magnification and its derivatives.

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters


Calculate the magnification

Parameters : None

Returns :
magnification: float or np.ndarray

The magnification for each point specified by u in trajectory.


Calculate dA/du for PSPL point-source–point-lens model.

No parameters.

Returns :
dA_du: np.ndarray

Derivative dA/du evaluated at each epoch.

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformGould94Magnification(direct=False, **kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens._PointLensMagnification

Equations for calculating finite-source–point-lens magnification and its derivatives following the Gould 1994 ApJ, 421L, 71 prescription assuming a uniform (and circular) source.

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters

direct: bool

Use direct calculation (slow) instead of interpolation. Default is False.


Calculate dA/du for USPL uniform-source–point-lens model.

No parameters.

Returns :
dA_du: np.ndarray

Derivative dA/du evaluated at each epoch.


Calculate magnification for point lens and finite source (for a uniform source). The approximation was proposed by: Gould A. 1994 ApJ 421L, 71 “Proper motions of MACHOs” and later the integral calculation was simplified by: Yoo J. et al. 2004 ApJ 603, 139 “OGLE-2003-BLG-262: Finite-Source Effects from a Point-Mass Lens” This approach assumes rho is small (rho < 0.1). For larger sources use FiniteSourceUniformLee09Magnification.

Returns :
magnification: float, np.array

The finite-source source magnification for each epoch.


Return the gradient of the magnification with respect to the FSPL parameters for each epoch.

Parameters :
parameters: list

List of the parameters to take derivatives with respect to.

dA_dparams: dict

Keys are parameter names from parameters argument above. Values are the partial derivatives for that parameter evaluated at each epoch.


Return the derivative of the magnification with respect to rho for each epoch.

No parameters.

Returns :
dA_drho: np.ndarray

Derivative dA/drho evaluated at each epoch.

property z_


Magnitude of lens-source separation scaled to rho for each epoch (i.e., z = u/rho).

property b0


The value of the B_0(z) function for each epoch.

property db0


Derivative of the B_0(z) function for each epoch.

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceLDYoo04Magnification(gamma=None, **kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformGould94Magnification

Equations for calculating finite-source–point-lens magnification and its derivatives following the Gould 1994 ApJ, 421L, 71 prescription assuming a limb-darkened (and circular) source.

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters

direct: bool

Use direct calculation (slow) instead of interpolation. Default is False.

gamma: float

The limb-darkening coefficient. See also LimbDarkeningCoeffs


Calculate magnification for point lens and finite source (for a uniform source). The approximation was proposed by: Gould A. 1994 ApJ 421L, 71 “Proper motions of MACHOs” and later the integral calculation was simplified by: Yoo J. et al. 2004 ApJ 603, 139 “OGLE-2003-BLG-262: Finite-Source Effects from a Point-Mass Lens” This approach assumes rho is small (rho < 0.1). For larger sources use FiniteSourceLDLee09Magnification.

Returns :
magnification: float, np.array

The finite-source source magnification for each epoch.


Finite-source modification to derivatives of other parameters. = Factor due to rho for multiplying derivatives due to non-rho parameters.


Return the derivative of the magnification with respect to rho for each epoch.

No parameters.

Returns :
dA_drho: np.ndarray

Derivative dA/drho evaluated at each epoch.

property b1


Value of the B_1(z) function for each epoch.

property db1


Derivative of the B_1(z) function for each epoch.

property gamma


Limb-darkening gamma coefficient.

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformWittMao94Magnification(**kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens._PointLensMagnification

Calculate magnification for the point lens and uniform source. This approach works well for small and large sources (e.g., rho~0.5). The method was presented by:

Witt and Mao 1994 ApJ 430, 505 “Can Lensed Stars Be Regarded as Pointlike for Microlensing by MACHOs?”

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters


Calculate magnification for the point lens and uniform source.

Returns :
magnification: float, np.array

The finite-source source magnification for each epoch.


Derivative calculations Not Implemented for WittMao94


Derivative calculations Not Implemented for WittMao94


Derivative calculations Not Implemented for WittMao94


Derivative calculations Not Implemented for WittMao94

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceLDWittMao94Magnification(gamma=None, **kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformWittMao94Magnification

Calculate magnification for the point lens and finite source with limb-darkening. This approach works well for small and large sources (e.g., rho~0.5). Here multiple annuli (each with uniform source) are used to approximate finite source with limb-darkening. For uniform source calculation see:

Witt and Mao 1994 ApJ 430, 505 “Can Lensed Stars Be Regarded as Pointlike for Microlensing by MACHOs?”

The approximation of multiple sources in presented by, e.g.,:

Bozza et al. 2018 MNRAS 479, 5157 “VBBINARYLENSING: a public package for microlensing light-curve computation”

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters

gamma: float

Gamma limb darkening coefficient. See also LimbDarkeningCoeffs.


Calculate magnification for the point lens and finite source with limb-darkening.

Returns :
magnification: float, np.array

The finite-source source magnification for each epoch.

property gamma


Limb-darkening gamma coefficient.

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformLee09Magnification(**kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens._PointLensMagnification

Calculate magnification for the point lens and uniform finite source. This approach works well for small and large sources (e.g., rho~0.5). Uses the method presented by:

Lee, C.-H. et al. 2009 ApJ 695, 200 “Finite-Source Effects in Microlensing: A Precise, Easy to Implement, Fast, and Numerically Stable Formalism”

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters


Calculate magnification for the point lens and uniform finite source.

Returns :
magnification: np.array

The finite source magnification.

class MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceLDLee09Magnification(gamma=None, **kwargs)

Bases: MulensModel.pointlens.FiniteSourceUniformLee09Magnification

Calculate magnification for the point lens and finite source with limb-darkening. This approach works well for small and large sources (e.g., rho~0.5). Uses the method presented by:

Lee, C.-H. et al. 2009 ApJ 695, 200 “Finite-Source Effects in Microlensing: A Precise, Easy to Implement, Fast, and Numerically Stable Formalism”

Arguments :
trajectory: Trajectory

Including trajectory.parameters = ModelParameters

gamma: float

Gamma limb darkening coefficient. See also LimbDarkeningCoeffs.


Calculate magnification for the point lens and finite source with limb-darkening.

Returns :
magnification: float, np.array

The finite-source source magnification for each epoch.

property gamma


Limb-darkening gamma coefficient.