MulensModel.mulensobjects package


Module contents

class MulensModel.mulensobjects.Lens(total_mass=None, mass=None, mass_1=None, mass_2=None, a_proj=None, distance=None, q=None, s=None, epsilon=None)

Bases: object

A mass or system of masses.

Standard parameter combinations for defining a Lens object:

Point Lens:

(mass, distance)

2+ body lens:

(s, q)

(epsilon, s)

(total_mass, epsilon, distance) - Missing s/Not Implemented?

(mass_1, mass_2, a_proj, distance) - Not Implemented

Note that s, q, and epsilon may be single values, lists, or numpy ndarrays.

If units are not specified for a given mass, it is assumed the value given is in Solar Masses.

If units are not specified for distance it is assumed the value is given in kpc.

property epsilon

[float, list, numpy.ndarray]

An array of mass fractions for each lens components: m_i/total_mass. Stored as a numpy.ndarray.

property q

[float, list, numpy.ndarray]

mass ratio for companions relative to the primary

Array of mass ratios defined relative to the primary (m_i/m_1). Size is number of components -1. Set as a list, np.ndarray, or single value.

Note: if total_mass is defined before q, it is assumed this is the mass of the primary. If you want this to actually be the total mass, define it after defining q.

property s

[float, list, numpy.ndarray]

Separation between the components of the lens as a fraction of the Einstein ring. A np.ndarray or single value.

Definitions for more than 2 lens bodies TBD

property total_mass


The total mass of the lens (sum of all components). An astropy.Quantity with mass units. If set as a float, units are assumed to be solMass.

property mass


The mass of a point lens –> total mass. An astropy.Quantity with mass units. May be set as a float (in which case solMass is assumed).

property mass_1


The mass of the primary. Defined as total_mass * epsilon[0]. An astropy.Quantity with mass units. If set as a float, units are assumed to be solMass.

property mass_2


The mass of the secondary. Defined as total_mass * epsilon[1]. An astropy.Quantity with mass units. If set as a float, units are assumed to be solMass.

Note that if total_mass is defined before mass_2, and there is no epsilon corresponding to mass_2, mass_2 is added to the total_mass.

property mass_3


The mass of the tertiary. Defined as total_mass * epsilon[2]. An astropy.Quantity with mass units. If set as a float, units are assumed to be solMass.

Note that if total_mass is defined before mass_3, and there is no epsilon corresponding to mass_3, mass_3 is added to the total_mass.

property n_masses

int, read-only

number of masses in the system.

property distance


The distance to the lens.

May be set as a float. If no unit is given, the value is assumed to be kpc.

property pi_L


The parallax to the lens in milliarcseconds. May be set as a float, in which case units are assumed to be milliarcseconds.

property a_proj


Projected separation between the components of the lens in AU. An astropy.Quantity with distance units. If set as float (without units), AU is assumed.

property caustics

A Caustics object, read-only

plot_caustics(n_points=5000, **kwargs)

A function to plot the x,y coordinates (scaled to the Einstein ring) of the caustics. Pyplot scatter is used for plotting. See MulensModel.caustics.Caustics.plot().

Parameters :
n_points: int

Number of points be plotted.


Keyword arguments passed to Pyplot scatter

class MulensModel.mulensobjects.Source(distance=None, pi_S=None, angular_radius=None, limb_darkening=None)

Bases: object

Physical properties of a source (background) star.

Attributes :

limb_darkening: LimbDarkeningCoeffs

Limb darkening coefficients of the source.

property distance


The distance to the source. May be set as a float. The distance should either be given in pc, or if no unit is given, the value is assumed to be kpc (u.kpc).

property pi_S


The parallax to the source in millarcseconds. May be set as a float. If no units are specified, assumes milliarcseconds (u.mas).

property angular_radius


Angular radius of the source. May be set as a float. If units are not specified, assumed to be microarcseconds (u.mas).

class MulensModel.mulensobjects.MulensSystem(lens=None, source=None, mu_rel=None)

Bases: object

A microlensing system consisting of a lens and a source.

property lens

A Lens object. Physical properties of the lens. Note: lens mass must be in solMasses.

property source

Source object. Physical properties of the source.

property mu_rel


Relative proper motion between the source and lens stars. If set as a float, units are assumed to be mas/yr.

property t_E


The Einstein crossing time (in days). If set as a float, assumes units are in days.

property pi_rel

astropy.Quantity, read-only

The source-lens relative parallax in milliarcseconds.

property pi_E

float, read-only

The Einstein ring radius. It’s equal to pi_rel / theta_E. Dimensionless.

property theta_E

astropy.Quantity, read-only

The angular Einstein Radius in milliarcseconds.

property r_E

astropy.Quantity, read-only

The physical size of the Einstein Radius in the Lens plane (in AU).

property r_E_tilde

astropy.Quantity, read-only

The physical size of the Einstein Radius projected onto the Observer plane (in AU).

plot_magnification(u_0=None, alpha=None, **kwargs)

Plot the magnification curve for the lens. u_0 must always be specified. If the lens has more than one body, alpha must also be specified.

Parameters :
u_0: float

Impact parameter between the source and the lens (as a fraction of the Einstein ring)

alpha: astropy.Quantity, float

If float then degrees are assumed as a unit. See MulensModel.modelparameters.ModelParameters.alpha


See MulensModel.model.Model.plot_magnification()

plot_caustics(n_points=5000, **kwargs)

Plot the caustics structure using Pyplot scatter. See MulensModel.caustics.Caustics.plot()

Parameters :
n_points: int

Number of points be plotted.


Keyword arguments passed to Pyplot scatter